Ermelinda Bircaj ANTIGONE’S PRIDE – PERFORMING SOCIETY April 2023 Spain

Dita e parë 20.04.2023 Alberka (Spanja)

Fasa e parë: Të gjithë figurat artistike, me kopetencat e tyre janë present në qarkë të ulur për shkëmbimet dhe presantimin e figura e present. Fabio Tolledi vazhdon shpjegimin e projektit dhe proçesin e fillimit. Pika kryesore është figura femërore dhe karakteri individual bashkë me atë që lexojm (il Mito).
Musica indish ndihmon hapjen e kanaleve organike. Zhvillim i çdo proçesi është shumë i thellët dhe jo individul po lidhje me njeriun ball për ball në zhvillimin më kompleks. Teatri është shoqat, kultur, dhe lidhje me hapsirën njerëzore në shkëmbimin më të thellët e kohë pa kohë.
Fasa e dytë: Simonetta, Roberta, maestro Fabio allenamento e riscaldamento Pa Tuan Cin.
Fasa e tret: Roberta, maestro Fabio punuam me këngët organike dhe lidhja që duhet të zhvillohet gjatë proçesit vokal dhe organik.
Mbyllja me punën për të zhvilluar ditën e dytë.  Duhet të përgatisim ditarin e punës dhe nje esperienc qe kemi si braktisje e jet ed tonëmemorja dhe një exsperienc braktisje. First day 20.04.2023 Alberka (Spain). First phase: All the artistic figures, with their abilities, are present in the sitting circle for the exchanges and presentation of the figure and present. Fabio Tolledi continues the explanation of the project and the start-up process. The main point is the female figure and the individual character together with what we read (il Mito) indian music helps open organic channels. The development of each process is very deep and not individual but the connection with the person face to face in the most complex development. Theater is association, culture, and connection to the human space in the deepest and most timeless exchange. Second phase: Simonetta, Roberta, maestro Fabio allenamento e réparación Pa Tuan Cin. Third phase: Roberta, maestro Fabio we worked with the organic songs and the connection that should develop during the vocal and organic process. Closing with the work to develop the second day. We must prepare the work diary and an experience that we have as abandonment of our life and memory and an experience of abandonment.

Ermelinda Bircaj

Fabio Tolledi today explains in depth the feminine nature of Maria Zambrano and we remind you that we are working on Antigone together with the memoir. We must not forget that the action is important. The work must be very clean and the writing. Not what is how you feel or how you think. The picture is in direct connection with the memory. A smaller movement should also be lit. Working in simplicity and purity. The resistance we have is important and we must transform it. It should be made available to the colleagues who are with us with their memory. Memoria svellvatata precedentemente sull’abbandono. Insieme alla scelta della poezia. Second phase: Simonetta Rotundo’s Roberta, Pa Tuan Cin; Third phase: Roberta Quarta respiro/voce organica. Prove in coro con le canzoni scelte.

Ermelinda Bircaj

First stage: Roberta Quarta con Simonetta Rotundo Second phase: Roberta Quarta respiro/voce organica; Chorus/songs Third phase: prepare the scheme to expose our memory. Linking with the city association and explaining the architectural history and the landscapes that make it up. History of the population since the creation of the city.

Ermelinda Bircaj