Feelings from Zakynthos

February 23, 2020

I started this travel, writing about my mother, the seaside…on the boat I think about my mother, all the travels that she couldn’t make. She loved to travel in her way…speedy way. She was like a child, at that time, discovering the world, out of a reality that was too stiff for her. How many travels lost, frustrated desires. The eagerness to see, to eat the things. The colors of Greece. A tranquility and a desire that appears, like the shining of the surface of the sea. The body breathes this immense sea, that charms me, that anguishes me…the nature goes out of the borders, touches the skin on the way to Zakynthos…grains of fire on the water
Fabio asked all of us in the work about two memories on betrayal: when we have betrayed someone and when we were betrayed…
The gaze lost in the air. What is that gaze? That kind of detachment from the life that is happening. Is it fear to live that life, the strength of that life?…considerations from observations…second day of work in Zakynthos…words of Ugo Foscolo today, Zacinto mia in Zakynthos, it is an emotion…choose words of Emily Dickinson… working without stops…increase the energy, pushing, which is the limit? I wish we can also work outside in the countryside…there is a good feeling, a desire to discover, which is important. Arlecchino,-Takis comes to visit us, the genius loci…I meet spirits in the night, desires. The seaside is an open door.
Georgiana and Laura offer me flowers.
I like to laugh and cry. Tears coming in the moment of the explosion of laughter .
I am very grateful about experiencing life in Zakynthos, the good energy, the feeling of staying together and this immense sense of sharing and generosity of the people…giving is a simple gesture, but it is so difficult. Many thoughts prevent us from doing that gesture. What should he think if I do that?… learning the dance. Let yourself go to the dance. We dance with women and men in circle, we sing and dance.
When the body dances, when the body moves. Words of Alina. She is beautiful, there is lot of beauty in the little gestures, in the attention, in the little care.
I caress your eyes.
The blood comes back, after long time
Singing together. The lady looks at us from the windows…The lady bits the dog. How an extreme fragility can become cruelty, or an intimate relation with the creature, with the animal?
The beauty of my friends. The performance is a moment, not the most important, a condensation, a rendering. Apples and oranges and roses. Calm and everything flows. The actions, little fragments of heart.
The Carnival is a ritual, theatre is a ritual whose importance has been lost.. Lost the collective value of the experience. We are more lonely, lost in thoughts and impotent in actions.
Mother I heard you knocking at my wall, mother I didn’t die with you and you didn’t die in me…Dried womb. Strong feelings…

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